The following indicators may possibly serve as a warning sign that braces may in fact be needed:
- Crooked teeth
- Spaces between teeth
- Teeth hitting wrong
- Buck teeth
- Excessive tooth wear
- Missing teeth
- Gummy smile
- Irregular bite
- Overbite
- Underbite
- Open bite
- Receded jaw
- Prominent jaw
- Jaw dysfunction
- Jaw pain

Are you experiencing or suffering problems from any of these? Many orthodontic problems such as the ones listed above are easier to correct when they are found early.
The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that it is best for children to see the Orthodontist by age seven to advise if orthodontic treatment is recommended.
While this may be the case, it is never too late for an orthodontic evaluation. Many patients, young and old alike, are taking advantage of the benefits of orthodontics to improve their smile, teeth, jaw function and self-esteem.

Devlin Orthodontics offers the following orthodontic services for adults, adolescents and children:
- Clear Braces
- Retainers
- Colored Rubber Bands
- Invisalign Braces
- TMJ Treatment and Care
- Metal Braces
- Functional Appliances
- Skeletal Corrections